How to travel to Uzbekistan cheaper?
Dear friends,
We want to draw your attention to our new product for FIT travellers Bazaar Bus Tour”.
Bazaar bus tour it is program for the individual tourists organized by “Marakand” tours and travel.
The essence of Bazaar Bus Tour that at the minimal set of services, travellers occurs an opportunity to see a maximum of things in Uzbekistan.
The clients of Bazaar bus tour will assemble on the beginning of tour and they have an opportunity to share the charges of tour with other clients, their partners on Bazaar bus tour.
Usually individual tourists organizing their own trips faces with many difficulties outgoing from shortage of the information and opportunities. We offer to the clients of “Bazaar Bus Tour” the witty decision of their problem, when they may have a maximum of pleasures at a floor price.
So « Bazaar Bus Tour » is:
We would like to note, that the tour is guaranteed for the fixed dates, irrespective of the number of the tourists collected on the certain date.
The detailed description of tour and the prices you will find in the enclosed program.
We offer you participation in this project and we hope, that our offer will be interesting to you.